Wondering How Meditation Can Improve Your Life?

Meditation is a practice that some believe was developed solely with the goal of achieving Buddhist enlightenment, but that is simply not true. While there is a clear basis in religion (prayer is a form of meditation), the basis is actually about allowing yourself the time to just be you. Once you start to understand that meditation is not about being a cult. In fact, it has little or nothing to do with religion at all. As you can see on 마음수련 사이비, it is about being in control of yourself, and about being happy above all else.

Meditation has also been scientifically proven to have some fantastic benefits. Below, we will look at just some of those benefits. This is not an exhaustive list, however, but every benefit listed has been proven by independent scientists.

The Spiritual Benefits

They include:

  • Increased compassion.
  • Increased wisdom.
  • Discovering your purpose.
  • Self-actualization.
  • Better spiritual well-being and overall health.
  • Being able to handle life’s challenges.
  • Moving towards enlightenment or being closer to God.
  • Becoming more forgiving.
  • Developing a balance between the mind, body, and spirit.
  • Finding inner peace.
  • Gaining a greater understanding of others and yourself.
  • Increasing your ability to experience, give, and receive true love.
  • Being able to live in the moment.
  • Feeling like you are one with the world.

The Physical Benefits

It has been proven that meditation has strong physical benefits, including:

  • Less oxygen requirements and therefore a lower rate of respiration.
  • Increased blood flow and a lower heart rate.
  • Increased strength and stamina.
  • Being able to relax when necessary.
  • Preventing anxiety attacks.
  • Lowering blood pressure.
  • Fewer menstrual problems.
  • Reductions in allergies.
  • Increased vigor and energy.
  • A better immune system.
  • Weight loss.
  • Slowing down the aging process.
  • Greater skin elasticity.
  • Fewer headaches.
  • Better DHEAS levels.
  • Fewer doctor visits.
  • Better cognitive function.
  • Being more efficient and productive.
  • Less asthma attacks.
  • Better performance.
  • A calmer nervous system.
  • Greater fertility.

The Psychological Benefits

Last but not least, there are the psychological benefits. They include:

  • More self-confidence.
  • Increased serotonin levels leading to better moods.
  • Fewer fears and phobias.
  • Better cognitive function, including concentration, memory, and focus.
  • Greater creativity.
  • Feelings of vitality.
  • Better relationships.
  • Greater emotional stability.
  • Feeling more youthful.
  • Increased productivity.
  • Stronger willpower.
  • Increased IQ and EQ.
  • Greater happiness and life satisfaction.
  • Reduction in mental illnesses.
  • Being more outgoing and less aggressive.
  • Less addiction and withdrawal from addiction problems.
  • Better moral value.
  • Fewer worries.
  • Calmer thoughts.
  • Better sleep.
  • Being able to deal with negative situations.
  • Better decision-making skills.
  • Being more mature.

Clearly, meditation improves the mind, body, and spirit. That should come as no surprise since all cultures and all religions all over the world have engaged in it in some way. Whenever someone says they need some “me time”, whenever someone prays, whenever someone falls silent, they are actually meditating. Turning that into in a common practice has, as you have seen, a huge array of positive benefits, regardless of what your motivation for meditation is.