There’ll always be people who inspire and motivate others to thrive in their lives. Previously, everyone saw their national heroes as their role models. Today, the youth is looking up to leading entrepreneurs like Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, and Jack Maa. After all, these aspiring leaders have built business empires from scratch with minimal capital. While adults can have different role models, children only look up to their teachers and school instructors while growing up.

Teachers inspire and encourage students to strive for greatness and live to their full potential. Whether it is learning the value of community service, practicing extracurricular activities, or gaining the confidence to speak in public, they show students the correct path. In short, teachers know how to bring out the best in their students through their passion, commitment, and excellence. Do you have such qualities and skills that can inspire the upcoming generation? Well, a teaching profession could be your calling.

As a teacher, you will become the most influential person in the student’s life. After parents, students learn from their teachers. Therefore, you will be guiding children through crucial transitions; adolescence while teaching them about the new phase of life. Precisely, you will help students grow by setting a great example and becoming a role model for them.

Any idea, how long does it take to become a teacher and start practicing? Depending upon your expertise and knowledge, you can apply for a license and begin teaching. Here we are listing seven ways to help you out in this journey to become a better role model for students.

  1. Be Humble

Nothing can teach children to be humble and polite other than acts of kindness. When children notice teachers talking politely and helping others, they are likely to imitate the same behavior. Moreover, you have to show students what it is like to take charge of mistakes. Admitting you are wrong, especially in front of several students, won’t be easy but never hesitate from apologizing and acknowledging your fault. After all, you have to show students that wrong is wrong, no matter what. It would serve as a life-long lesson for students, making them learn how to accept their mistakes.

  1. Show Empathy

Usually, when we talk about teachers as role models, most people see them as mentors who listen to their students. Teachers have to connect with students, understand their concerns, and show empathy. Hence, don’t mind going the extra mile to show you care about students and help them succeed. For instance, if a students’ parents are getting divorced, you can offer him/her emotional support. Also, teachers can utilize a social emotional learning program to support their students learning empathy and life skills. Every student looks up to their teachers as an adult with life experiences who can provide valuable advice. Therefore, make sure you have their back as they step into adulthood.

  1. Encourage Physical Activity

Nowadays, children spend hours in front of screens which is declining physical activity significantly. Hence, the importance of teachers extends to students’ physical fitness. You might not be teaching physical education subjects, but teachers can still encourage students. Weaving the topic of health and wellness into your lectures can plant seeds in students’ minds about physical activity. You can discuss how football improves coordination skills or share the importance of muscle strength and bone density.

  1. Fulfill Your Promises

Over the academic curriculum, you might find yourself making promises. It could be about taking children on a field trip, getting a turtle for class, or arranging a class party. Despite your busy schedule, don’t forget to fulfill the promises to develop trust with students. You don’t want students to think it is okay to say one thing and disregard it afterward. However, if you cannot keep a particular promise, be honest about it instead of making excuses. Students will see how you deal with shortcomings and will respect you for your honesty.

  1. Discuss World Events

In addition to theoretical knowledge, it is high time students get real-world exposure. Being a teacher, you can expose students to changing market dynamics and economic conditions worldwide. You can also ask questions that make them think and express different ideas. Most students might not have heard of events you are talking about, expanding their knowledge base. Such practices will help students understand how to put their viewpoint forward and proactively listen to others.

  1. Participate in Volunteer Work

In today’s bustling life, people don’t find enough time to give back to the community. As a result, children have no clue about community service and helping others. As a teacher, you can find ways to incorporate community service into your lessons. Explain to students how they can make a difference in others’ life or save the environment.

Perhaps, you could conduct a bake sale within the class and donate all funds to an orphanage. Otherwise, if you are a music teacher, take your class for caroling at an old-age center. For reducing environmental damage, start a plantation drive in school and make students understand the importance of planting trees. These are some of the ways you can instill a sense of pride in giving back to the world.

  1. Appreciate Students

Whenever you think about the type of teacher you want to be, what comes to your mind? Perhaps, the math instructor who helps students conquer algebraic equations or the English teacher corrects grammatical errors. Despite your subject choices, make sure you appreciate students enough. If a student gets long-division right, praise him/her in front of the class. Likewise, if someone has written a superb composition, read it to the entire class. Praising students can engage and motivate them to perform better academically. Besides, getting appreciated by teachers also makes children feel confident about their abilities.

Final Words

Teaching is one of the most rewarding occupations. Much of what students learn from their teachers is not on the academic syllabus. Teachers impart some of life’s most important lessons in class through thought-provoking conversations. They use the power of words to inspire students and motivate them to thrive in their lives. Likewise, they appreciate students, show empathy, and fulfill their promises to leave a good example for students.