If you have a child who suffers from autism then it is going to change your life way more than any other parent. Children do change your life in numerous ways, an autistic child however will require far more from you than any other child and you need to be prepared for a lifetime of dedication to helping your child live the best life possible.


Autism awareness has improved greatly in the last 20 years and there are now many organizations, charities and voices from great people like Christopher Manente who are offering amazing levels of support for autistic people. If you have a child with autism then here are just some of the things which you should be doing in order to give them the best life possible.


One of the first thing to reinforce is how patient you are going to need to be with your child, far more so than the average parent. You child is going to have lots of little quirks and outbursts which will test your patience on a daily basis and keeping your cool with them is a must. For those of us who are not on the autistic spectrum, it can be difficult to understand the mind of someone who is, this can lead to frustration when you are trying to get something across to your child which is normal, you must however, keep that frustration bottled up, it will not help your child.

Learn Everything

As a parent of an autistic child it is vital that you learn as much as is humanly possible about your child’s condition, the triggers, the symptoms, the treatment and any complications that it may cause. There is so much information out there for you to lay your hands on, from online resources, short courses, leaflets and full-blown guides on the causes and effects of autism. Looking after your child will take up a great deal of your time but in spite of this you ought to set some time aside to learn everything that you can.

Consistency is Key

The World through the eyes of someone who suffers with autism is chaotic, you need to do your best to calm the chaos by keeping a consistent routine with your child each day. Those who suffer from autism require order and routine to keep their mind centered and calm, a break in this routine can lead them to feel overwhelmed and become deeply frustrated. Keep notes if you need to or even set alarms, however you find best to do it is up to you but keeping things consistent is a must.

Quiet Zone

An important thing to put in place for your child is a quiet zone where they can feel safe and relaxed. In the house, try to separate an area that your child can call their own. When things get too much for your child or they are starting to feel the pressure of things around them, they can take themselves off to their safety zone and calm down.