Storage companies have sprung up across the UK over the past ten years. It’s clearly an industry that’s thriving, and plenty of people are finding ways that storage makes their lives easier and more affordable. To too many though, it’s still a closed book, and when passing a storage facility it’s impossible for them to imagine what could be going on inside. If you want a reputable company that can fit all of your  needs however there are some. For instance, you can always opt for Centron Self Storage to store your stuff in a secure place.

Today we’re taking a look at different ways people use storage to give you an idea of how it works and whether it could help you.

The Student

Student storage is vital for anyone studying a long way from home. Transporting all your possessions halfway across the country or even halfway across the world would be an impossible task every year, and it’s rarely possible to move seamlessly from one property straight into another. The student rental market is built around the idea that students will be away for an extended period in the summer.

Putting your excess clothes, books, games and other vital supplies into safe storage while you’re away over summer keeps things manageable, and means you don’t have to struggle with boxes and bags when you should be relaxing.

The Young Family

Parents with young children often find themselves moving house, not so much for a change of scene: more for desperately needed extra space. Being able to give each child their own bedroom, and having the space for a home office if you’re combining work with childcare makes the move worthwhile but there’s no move as stressful as one where you’re keeping a young family out of trouble as you do it!

Putting some of your more difficult, delicate or precious items into storage in the weeks before you move and retrieving them slowly afterwards, when you’re ready keeps the move going at your pace and stops you getting swamped.

The Collector

Many people are drawn to build collections – lots of us have whole libraries of books. Others have extensive stacks of vinyl, and some have action figures. To the collector, the collection is a source of comfort, amusement and joy. A real achievement to take pride in! To others, unfortunately, it can be a source of stress, with a sprawling collection they have no interest in or control over threatening to take over the house!

Putting the offending items into a local storage facility keeps them safe and accessible, so the collector doesn’t lose access to them, but the collection stops overwhelming everyone else.