5 Creative/Weird Stuff People Have Done to Potholes

While it may be amusing to get creative with potholes that the authorities haven’t dealt with, it’s better to have them fixed as soon as possible as to prevent the problem from spiraling out of control. As long as a reputable company is hired for the repairs, the pothole will be fixed in no time.
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The Montserrat Tour

Are you planning a tour of Europe? Well, Barcelona should be first on your list. How about you start with the Montserrat Tour in this ancient city. Montserrat means Serrated Mountains in Catalan. The multiple peaked ranges with a massive rock of over 4000ft high can be reached by road, cable cars or by railway. With The Montserrat Tour, you’ll see not only this spectacular mountain but also ancient monastery & holy shrines.
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How to Get Fuller Lips

Fuller lips have been all the rage for a while now as celebrities, models, and everyday people show off beautiful plump lips. So what happens if you aren’t naturally blessed with full lips and you’re looking for a way to change that? The good news is that there are a number of methods to look into that will help to maximize your lips. Let’s take a closer look.
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