
Do you often struggle getting a good night’s sleep? This can be more of an issue than you think.

It’s no secret that sleep is vitally important to your health, wellbeing and daily functionality. While one night here and there of inadequate shut-eye is not a big deal, consecutive nights of bad sleep can be detrimental. In fact, according to a report in the Huffington Post, seven nights of consecutively unrestful sleep can see more than 700 genetic changes in your body that can lead to a number of health problems such as heart disease and obesity.

If you’re not getting the rest you need, here are some tips that will help you combat any sleep interferences.

1. Invest in a New Mattress

Is your mattress more than five years old, tearing at the seams or just doesn’t feel right? It’s probably time to invest in a new one. Having a comfortable mattress that caters to your support needs and body type can be the difference between a good rest and a bad one. When buying a new mattress, it’s important to consider a number of different factors, including what position you sleep in, if you sleep with a partner, any back- or neck-related injuries and personal preferences. From here, you can decide on the level of support you need and the size of bed you should be sleeping in. With so many varieties of mattresses available today, be sure to do your research before buying.

2. Stick to a Strict Sleep Schedule

A big part of having regularly good sleep is getting your body used to sleeping all through the night. How do you do this? Try implementing a regular sleep pattern in which you go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. By doing this, you are regulating your body’s internal clock and teaching it to fall asleep and wake up at a certain time. After a while, your body becomes accustomed to these times and you will most likely no longer find it difficult to fall asleep or wake up.

3. Have a Relaxing Bedtime Ritual

While you may think falling asleep starts when you lie down in bed, the process of falling asleep should be implemented throughout your evening practices. First, avoid alcohol, cigarettes and heavy meals in the evening as this activates bodily functions rather than relaxing them. You can also try avoiding bright lights such as television, phones and games as this excites the body and promotes stress and anxiety levels that makes it difficult to fall asleep. Instead, bedtime rituals should involve quiet time, possibly some reading and even meditation. In the morning, it’s a good idea to expose yourself to bright light as this helps manage your circadian rhythm.

4. Remain Active

It may seem straightforward, but in order to fall asleep, your body needs to be tired. During the day, try to promote activity through exercise and movement as this burns energy and ensures your body will be eager for rest by the evening. Also, avoid napping, as this confuses the body’s sleep schedule and may keep you up through the night.

A good night’s sleep is essential to staying healthy. By following these few tips, you may notice a difference in your sleep patterns and your overall well being.