Air travel tends to be much more complicated than other types of travel, for a variety of reasons. Because of this, it can be useful to do some research before your trip to prepare for arrival, departure and what you need to do in between. Here are four things you need to know about arriving at an airport.

1. How You’re Arriving

You need to know how you plan to arrive at the airport. Options include driving yourself, having a friend or family member drive you, taking a taxi or rideshare service or taking public transportation. Your choice will depend on what’s most accessible to you, whether there are parking options near the airport and what those options are. For example, overnight parking near PHL are one of the most important tools for those who need to drive themselves to the airport.

2. Where You Need To Go

Check your flight itinerary in advance for your departure details. You won’t know what gate your flight is assigned to until you go through security, but you should be able to find your flight’s terminal. It’s important to find the right terminal so that you can arrive at the correct entrance on time, particularly at larger airports. If you can’t find that information on your itinerary, you can call the airport or check what terminal hosts your airline online.

3. What Order To Complete Arrival Procedures

There is a set order in which you must complete airport arrival procedures. In general, you must arrive on time at your designated terminal, check in for your flight, check your luggage, go through security and find your gate, in that order. With tools such as TSA PreCheck and online check-in options, you can bypass general security checkpoints and check in for your flight twenty-four hours in advance. You may also skip checking luggage if you choose to bring only a carry-on bag.

4. What To Do if You Need Assistance

There are a few options you can access if you need assistance when you arrive at the airport. You can seek out airport employees, such as concierges, for directions or help with moving luggage. Alternatively, your airport or airline may have an app or notification service you can access on your phone with information and assistance options.

Everyone has different needs and comfort levels. Once you do some research on what to expect about arriving at an airport, you can begin to determine what you need to do and the best ways you can prepare.