Are you generally happy with how you have your office set up?

Running a small business means you get to call the shots. It also means the buck stops with you at the end of the day.

That said are there things you could be doing to improve how your business setup is now and could be down the road?

An Organized Business Has More Chance for Success

In reviewing the setup of your office, here are three ways to go about improving things:

  1. Moving records to electronic system – There are still some businesses using paper files. Yes, it is not uncommon even in today’s digital age. You tend to find such setups in doctor’s offices and similar venues. That said have you gone all electronic with your office records? If not, now may be the time to consider doing so. One of the advantages is the records can oftentimes be accessed from anywhere as long as one has a computer. Another benefit here is that you do not have to worry about fire or water damage. That is potentially ruining paper records stored in your office. Take the time to see if going the electronic route would be best for your operation at the end of the day. 
  2. Ease with which to track stuff – How easy do you tend to find it when you need to track important stuff in your office? As an example, having a sales team likely means you are passing along commissions. These would be to appropriate employees when they complete sales. Not only is this extra money for them for a job well-done, but it can also provide them with incentives to sell even more. With that in mind, be sure you can track and document such commissions. In having a deal tracking spreadsheet and similar items for sales, you have all the info you need in a handy spot. This makes for much more organization for both you and your business. You should also have such spreadsheets to oversee other things. This would be office expenses and other important matters involving your day-to-day operations.
  3. Being ready when tax season arrives – Last, do you ever have issues when tax season comes calling? Some businesses do not do a good job in organizing their tax records. As a result, it can be a race to the finish line to be sure everything is turned in on time and it is accurate to boot. By organizing all tax paperwork throughout the year in an easy to find setup, you are less likely to have issues. Also make it a point to check for any business deductions you are eligible for during the year. Such deductions can make a big difference in how much money you get if a refund is to come your way in the springtime. There is no reason to pay more than you have or to miss out on legitimate deductions.

In organizing your office so it is more productive and easy to follow, where might you need to focus on?