In today’s fast-paced world and ever-changing society, most people do not stay in the same field of work or at the same place of business as people used too only a couple of generations ago. It is very common for people to look for a career change several times in their life before finding the place that they want to stay until retirement. A recent poll stated that most people will change careers between three and five times in their lives before finding the one that they really want to stick with.

With all of this being said, you do not want to make a hasty decision and just jump to a new career before taking all things into consideration. Doing this could mean that you end up working in a place that you do not truly enjoy and regret your new work environment for many years to come. Below are several important things to consider before jumping in and changing jobs.

1.) Think through why you want to change careers in the first place

Why are you wanting to leave your current job in the first place? Are you wanting to go somewhere where you will be challenged and maybe hold a higher position of authority? Are you hoping to go somewhere else to learn new skills? Maybe it is all about getting a bigger check or simply leaving your current job because it is not the best environment for you.

Whatever reasons you have for leaving your current job, you need to do your research and talk to employees at the new place of employment and make sure the new place checks off every box of things that you are looking for. Make sure you do not take just the first thing that comes along and wait for the place that will genuinely make you happy and give you fulfilment.

2.) Write out a list of what you are looking for

Before even looking at new places, write down a list of things you are looking for a workplace as it will help you establish what you want out of your job. What type of work environment do you want, do you need better pay or maybe more vacation days? How about work duties? Do you need some kind of training such as the best aws training courses to set you up for success?

Do you want more responsibility or would you rather have a job where you can stay in the background? Once you have this list it will help you narrow down your job search and make sure you are happier once you land that new job.

3.) Do your research to understand the new company

Research is so important when it comes to making a job change that suits you. Research the company to find what other people have to say about the job. Ask the employer questions such as: what will the pay be, what are the vacation day policies, are their benefits, what will your work duties be, etc. This will narrow down the search and give you increased happiness.

4.) What is the goal of the company?

Every business and company out there has a clear mission or a goal that they are trying to reach. You can usually find the company’s mission statement on its website. It is important to know the mission of the company because once you become an employee, you are going to be part of making that mission a reality. Make sure it is a mission that you can stand behind and be proud of facilitating.

5.) Talk to the employer about growth and career advancement

No one wants to work in a place that will never change or grow and be stuck in the same position for twenty years. Humans thrive off of change and learning and growth. Ask the employer where they hope the company goes in the next 5 years and how they see you advancing and growing in order to help that happen. Asking this will tell you if the new place has goals or not and if you will be given the opportunity to grow with it.

6.) It can be awkward but you need to talk about your salary

One of the biggest reasons people start branching out and looking for new jobs is to work in a place that pays them a better salary for the work that they are doing. Compare the new salary to the one you are making now and what the new duties you will have will be. A better check is never a bad thing, but you need to make sure that you are being paid what you are worth and for everything you will be doing while you are clocked in.

7.) Location, location, location

If you change jobs, you might have to change locations. Whether the new job is located only five miles from your home or all the way across the country, thinking through this is very important. Are you happy where you are now or would a change in location be a good thing for you? If you do move, will you be happy living in the new place for the foreseeable future? Think through the long-term and the short-term so you know you will be happy wherever you go!