Divorcing with children isn’t easy no matter how you look at it.  Kids don’t do well with change, and the switching back and forth between homes can be downright devastating.   Depending on the custody agreement that you have decided with your lawyers, it may be tricky to please everyone.

However, as emotional as it may be, there are some ways to ease the discomfort of transitioning between parents homes.  With the right effort and commitment, you can make it work for everyone.

Be Positive For The Kids

Kids are natural sponges.  By being a positive example, they will start to take on the same attitude.  Rather than focusing on everything that’s going wrong, try to focus on what’s going right.

When you have time with them, make those precious moments count.  Smile and be upbeat and make sure that you’re enjoying your time together.

If their visits with you are always sad and depressing, they’re not going to look forward to their time with you.

Always Be On Time

When you arrive on time and commit to your visits, you’re showing your kids that they are a priority.  The best way to reinforce your love for them is to consistently demonstrate that you’ll be there when you say you will.

Make Your Time Count

In addition to being physically there, you should also be emotionally present.  Spend quality time together by playing games or reading books. Focus on them entirely without getting distracted.  It’s easy to get distracted with to-do’s and pending tasks, however, it’s essential to make the most of your visits and leave your work for later.

Don’t Fight In Front of The Kids

It’s easier said than done; however, you should do everything in your power to protect your children from seeing you argue.  Emotions may be running high, particularly when it comes to organizing visitation schedules that work for everyone. However, arguing in front of the kids will only upset them.

Deal with your disagreements privately over email or when the kids aren’t there.  If you start to feel an argument brewing and the children are there, cut the conversation altogether and save it for later. Remember, it’s about the kids.  It’s not about you right now.

Give Them Comforting Objects

Kids do better with change if they have a constant physical object to take along with them.  Even though they may be in a different house, they still have a special item to make them feel safe.

It may take some time for them to become attached to the object, however, try to encourage it.  It will significantly help them transition between homes with less fuss.