No matter what season of the year it may be, there’s always a chance that inclement weather can strike. In most cases, your home or place of business is going to be able to stand up to slightly bad weather. But when the wind howls and the storms rage, it’s good to know that you’ve previously taken steps to ensure that your home will protect you and your belongings. 

To be certain that this is the case for you, here are three ways you can better protect your home from the elements so your home can better protect you. 

Fix Weaknesses In Your Foundation

One of the most damaging things they can happen to your home during a storm is for your foundation to become vulnerable. When this happens, the whole structure of your home can be in jeopardy. 

To keep this type of damage from happening, recommends that you fix any weaknesses that your home’s foundation may presently have. Especially if you’ve known about these issues for a while but have yet to take action about them, make sure you get a professional to fix your foundation before floods or earthquakes have a chance to hit your home where it really hurts. 

Find A Home With “House Wrap”

Although a little rain may not seem like a big deal, if the area around your home starts getting a lot more moisture than it’s used to, you could run into some big problems within your home. 

To combat these issues before they even start, HGTV recommends that you look to buy a home that had “house wrap” installed during the construction process. With “house wrap”, your home is essentially sealed off from the outside so that moisture and other problem-causing elements can’t penetrate it. While this sealing off can be done with other materials, actually wrapping the entire structure of your home before it’s finished with construction tends to be the most effective. 

Have A Plan To Cover Glass

During inclement weather, the most vulnerable areas of your home are the ones where all that’s separating your home from the outdoors is glass. With very little force, the glass in your windows or doors can break and leave your home even more susceptible to damage from storms. 

To avoid this, Karoun Chahinian, a contributor to, advises that you make a plan for protecting your glass well before any bad weather hits. Whether you’re wanting to install storm windows or nail up some plywood, deciding what your plan is beforehand can make this protection much easier to manage. 

If you want to give your home the best chance at weathering future storms, consider using the tips mentioned above to learn how you can better protect your house from bad weather.